The incumbent state controller wants a second shot at the job, and she’s running on her reputation as a no-nonsense financial manager and watchdog.
Not many kids dream of being number crunchers when they grow up, but Yee has been training for this position ever since she was a kid counting back change to customers at her parents’ laundromat in San Francisco. Since then, she’s held many of the state’s top fiscal posts.
- Audits
- Reducing tax revenue volatility
- Stripping maligned state tax agencies of power
- The rules of the road
Letters of Recommendation:
- Jerry Brown
- California Democratic Party
- California Nurses Association
- EMILY’s List
- Equality California
- Peace Officers Research Association of California
- Los Angeles Times editorial board
- San Francisco Chronicle editorial board
Contact Information:
The Resume of Betty Yee
Controller, 2015 – Present
- Audited the state’s tax administration agency, the Board of Equalization, and publicly successfully called for it to be stripped of its duties and responsibilities
- Published a massive report on how the state might modernize its tax code (though it did not issue recommendations)
- Unearthed shoddy accounting and reckless spending in the city of Compton
Board of Equalization member, 2006 – 2015
- Led the fight to force Amazon to collect sales taxes on its online sales
Chief deputy budget director of Department of Finance, 1999 – 2003
Experience matters.